Monday, March 22, 2010
back to post le
today, first day of school
went to school
first thing
got bullied...
or rather
then later
read my storybook
attire check
i passed!
then later a maths
kor bullied me!
big bully!
didnt know time table changed
after e maths
went through worksheets
then later recess
then went back to class
had oel
did comprehension
then i was chiong-ing my chemistry
finished it
then a maths
then ... came and find me
took my phone
then later english
continued reading my storybook
then later mother tongue
went through zuo ye
still reading my storybook
.... came and return me my phone
went out to eat
cause school nothing to eat
after that
chiong back
cause raining ma
then later sit in class....
kor tried to cheer me up because of his replies
and what.... did...
then later mother tongue
finished going through zuo ye
then went home
sheltered joceleen until the staircase
pei them go bus stop
got suan-ed by dennis about him
asking what i love about him
so bad la
bully me...
went home
finally read finish my story book loh
so thats all....
i have to clear up this mess
i dont even know you like me or not
want to be with me or not...
i really do love you
really really want to be with you
i promise that if we are together
your studies will not be affected...
i cant promise you that...
i didnt send those messages
believe it or not
i really didnt..
♥ our lips must always be sealed
9:41 PM

Thursday, March 18, 2010
went to school
using new bag
bought at bugis ytd de
8 start lesson
had bio
sian de yao ming
was yawning
then had a maths
okay okay la
then later break
went down
first thing
saw his friends
then like shit...
then later iris and juanqing queue for food
then his friends go gather
and plan something
as they queuing
they say what he in class waiting for girl
i didnt hear that part
as i was there 'ahhhhhhh!'
heard from zhijin they asked whether i jealous already or not...
of course i am la!
then later
sit there
then juanqing
take my hp to np there
then they take
dont want to return to me
in the end they pass to peising
who returned to me
luckily they didnt see what was on it....
heng arrr...
continue a maths
then biology...
did experiment
then end le
went to teck whye
bought stuff
for bro and me
then went home loh
at home
took my bro's phone and sms
a lot...
my sms going to exceed le
so i saving
use my brother's!
until here only la
if i could go back in time, i would still do the same thing to you....
i dont regret anything i did
confessing, giving you love letters, present
but i regret something
annoying you, im sorry for that....
i really love you a lot...
i really do...
&& i am not despo!
♥ our lips must always be sealed
12:49 AM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
sad sad life
damn bored life
stupid life
i feel like taking my life
i miss him (:
going to go out with jq tmr
past few days went off in a buzz
i really wish i would see him in school the last day of school
but i didnt...sad....
is crying over him wrong?
i dont know loh
i cant control my tears
him knowing my affections for him
i have done what i can
i cant control him
he may want to concentrate on his studies
well i hope he will too....
and i also hope he likes me and be with me....
if he really likes me
all i hope is to hear him like me
just to hear him liking me will really make me go crazy happy
i know love cant be forced
even if he likes me
so what?
i dont even know anything....
his choice
we arent together...
i wish we were,
but all i hope now is him saying he likes me too....
but yeah
i really love him
if not
why am i crying over him?
i have never cried over a guy so much before loh
my dear HEIDI
say i go crazy already
and is really crazy
i am seriously crazy over him that i go crazy
am i really crazy?
sorry if i had annoyed you
i am seriously sorry....
i just want to do all that i can
to really let you know that i love you
i dont like him, you think i do but i dont
i only love you seriously....
well, all i can say now is...
do well in your studies (:
&& i love you lots ;D
♥ our lips must always be sealed
2:46 AM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
heh, today actually got sports day de
morning woke up at 5.20am
then went to school
father send me there
then later put all the stock in the bus
took the bus to clementi stadium
sad-ed la
rained so mr liew canceled the sports day
so sit there
then i sms
that person ask me go down take something from him
he sitting with his friends
sure sabo me de
so in the end
i didnt go
although zhijin keep pushing me to go
now i regret
like a lot de a lot
after that waited waited waited
took the bus back to school
then leeleng sms me saying got 1 pouch missing
so we run around school find....
the class watching up...
then later we go eat burger
laugh laugh laugh...
cracked jokes in class
played around in class
mr liew came in and talked
den lauren said something about me and ** being couple
then i go shout 'i love ..... not **'
then they like ohhhh....
laughed after that
went to library...
sat there
playing iris' phone
juanqing take my phone
then later return to class
laugh some more
then chemistry
after chemistry ms sim came in
then went home le
went to lot with juanqing
went to library loh
then went to buy food for my brother
went home after that...
i dont know
i think my laughter sounds so wrong
so fake...
yangxuan said he heard me shout...
a lot ppl say i shout very loud....
i dont know...
nabillah asked me to stand at parade square and shout
but this...
i shouted in class instead...
i cant forget
i cant give up on him
and i dont want to...
♥ our lips must always be sealed
5:18 PM

Friday, March 5, 2010
finally got my hard lens yesterday
this morning wear like not comfortable
chat with iris till 12 midnight...
went to school early
sit there listen music && me and iris staring at each other
then we start our quarrel about the timing...
later zhijin and syazwani came at the same time
then zhijin needed to go for maths
then she waited for winnie come then go
chased her away
then later siti came
talked and help them revise ss
then later me and syazwani went toilet
the other time
it was me holding the ss paper
now it was her turn....
then go toilet
no toilet paper
so wanted to go the other toilet
and there
syawani: eh...
then i turned and saw him
him him him! he didnt see me though i think
then later i run up
ncc was there dancing
after that i was standing outside the toilet
looking at him
then went down
ncc was still dancing
i resisting not to laugh
then went back..
say i saw him then later when want to flag raising le
i told zhijin han lu and juanqing almost took photo yesterday
then zhijin ask what photo
i say nuo zhao (naked photo)
then she cant stop laughing le
then iris said
better dont make her laugh
if not sing national anthem
she will keep laughing
and guess what
she did....
went for mother tongue
my hair almost got cut
then later got ppl find me
ask me go down
i didnt
then start writing the letter
didnt pay attention
then later we recess
i walked out of the classroom
looked at third floor and shouted..
then went for recess
then later reading
still writing
finished writing
got back a maths test
28/30...then later me and zhijin go pass the letter to him
cher scold us
actually is scold nicholas, jiong yi, edwin, firdani and suntha that group
then scold end
me and juanqing went canteen first
do my public duty stuff
then juanqing go pei zhijin, iris and priya train voice
then later i go find them
me and afiqah sit there type the name out
then later afiqah went in
i sit there emo
then almost on the verge of crying le
zhijin go pull me say why i emo
then really cry le...
but stopped after that
i didnt want them to worry so much about me
went lot after that
didnt eat
went to library
sit there
read books
cried a bit
juanqing say my eye teary...
i dont know loh.
then later went to buy food and went home...
gave him a letter today
my first thought: sure get a negative reply le.
have i lost so much self-confidence in myself?
dont dare to ask the answer...
i want to be with him,
i really do
cause i really love him....
♥ our lips must always be sealed
6:44 PM

Monday, March 1, 2010
happy birthday joey! finally 10 le!
old dog (: live long yeah?
if she can answer
i will be so damn shocked
went to school
hate my lens
cause one soft lens
one hard lens
one clear
one blur
a maths
bored to death
then later recess
ate noodle
then went back to class
go bio lab
then zhijin they all saw his class
then like ehh
his class leh
where he?
then i hide my face
cut potato strip to do experiment
then later english
wanted to go com lab
but in the end
go library
laugh until like siao....
damn crazy laughters...
we wrote rubbish on papers
then threw it away after that
mother tongue
we made teacher give us ting xie first
then we go through textbook
then do zuo ye
asked xiangting sms me the answer when she do in the afternoon
in the end
she didnt write down
so damn bad
then later e maths
relief cher
cause mr lui sure lazy come in for half and hour de
then we do activity
do only first part of the first question
then recess
and then went to science center
quite fun loh
make all types of thingy
very fun
then the glass so damn smelly de bleh
the cool cream so damn shiok de...
so fast make it de
then wait for bus
they say what
eh, nicholas scare away the bus la....
then make us wait quite long then the bus came
i was like so damn bored so keep saying
'suntha act cute'
then went back school
go buy sweet
then went home...
did chinese then
was pissed off over some stupid quarrel
if this continues,
i may just flare up
i really love you, i really do, believe me seh....
♥ our lips must always be sealed
8:48 PM