Friday, September 24, 2010

i want to sit that! :D
today was fun fun fun!
school was like totally any other day
but we did stock check
helped iris
and we broke record
although we were like slacking before that
i was sweeping the floor
then in the end
all help to count the orange tee and stuff
then went to lot with iris, sara, siew shuen, juanqing and shavon
went to walk walk then food junction
siew shuen could only eat at 3.05pm
sat there a while
then sara, iris and juanqing went to buy food
after that is siew shuen and shavon
didnt eat
got no appetite
then later we sit there talk talk
talk about our stuff
then after that went to library
started studying
did my chinese
both of them finish lerh
finished my maths...
study for like a few hours straight
then after that siew shuen and shavon went off
juanqing went to find her erhem
then left me, sara and iris
continued studying
then after that we all went to eat yogurt
with my cereal! :D
super nice to eat luhh
then after that juanqing and jerome send me to school
took 985...
waited damn long...
but i think it is what God really wants for me...
then juanqing pei me walk to school
and stuff happened
but glad it is all over
after that 9pm
called dad to bring me home
many stuff happened in between too..
really really really hope something to happen...
today was totally fun :D
♥ our lips must always be sealed
11:52 PM

Saturday, September 18, 2010

this week gone by in a flash
ups and downs this week
had a quarrel with family last night
a big one too
mother couldnt find me in the library,
say i wasnt there
and my brother found me -.-
father scolded me...
say why never answer phone
and stuff
how to when my sim card is not with me?
wahlao eh..
scold me until i cry
i go out to study and they trust me...
this whole week
went out most of the days to like study
then never go home for dinner
today lehh,
did 5 hours of maths
do until i headache want to die luhh
keep falling sick.. ):
i want to go out to study
home is a distraction
all the quarrels and stuff
distracting me like seriously...
and they dont blame themselves,
blame me instead...
i am happy for siew shuen though
she got baptised today (:
a new her
her life renewed (:
thank you lord for renewing her :D
♥ our lips must always be sealed
10:30 PM

Thursday, September 9, 2010

im hoping for us to be like this some day (:
today was fun
after lesson
went to lot 1
ate kfc again
sian dao
juanqing ate 2 bowls
and and and
something made me happy
and juanqing come and tease me...
then play..
after that went to library
then slack there
was playing
then juanqing did two damn paisehh thing
keep laughing all the way...
cannot stop laughing
after that
sara came
then call siew shuen
then meet her later...
sara hungry
so went to eat food junction
then after that long john silver...
siew shuen came
zhi en joined us a while
eat eat eat
they all take my food luhh ):
then after that we went library again
then siew shuen went to meet her friend
slack in library for quite a while
juanqing went off
then siew shuen came back
went to talk to xuxuan
was fun
was laughing...
then went to buy stuff
after that
siewshuen, iris and sara
did something super epic
i was standing outside the library waiting for them
while they do their epic thing
then junming damn good send me a message
then later 15 minutes later then tell me is my friend send de..
luckily i never reply luhh
later reply wrong one..
went to eat yami yogurt.
then went to food junction and eat
eat finish
spectacle hut
and went home...
today was totally fun
cause cause cause ... :D
♥ our lips must always be sealed
6:31 PM

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i want to smile, but i cant ):
today, had lessons from 8-11
then at 1
could not go out of school
cause raining
then we were like all starving there..
talked a lot..
had fun too..
but pissed
talked about frostbite
yesterday was liposuction
yuck yuck yuck
then lesson end at 2 plus
cause lesson start late
then went to lot
went to eat
then after that went from basement 1 to third level
buy stuff
then went to library wanted to see...
sunwen called me
went to the talking corner to answer
and sunwen and jingmei were there...
then after that
saw his friends...
then ....
happy happy
then later went to toilet with sara
was like talking about them
then suddenly
walked out
still talking about them
they were outside
damn paisehh luhh ..
then went back to library
then roof garden to slack
then walked around
just reached home not long ago...
my dog got something wrong luhh..
hopefully it is not what i am thinking
i am just paranoid i guess...
take care of yourself ! :D
♥ our lips must always be sealed
6:20 PM

Monday, September 6, 2010

woo! i want to have dreams with you :D
holiday like no holiday
went to school at 8
for 3 hours of a maths and biology
sian dao...
then after school went to find...
in the end did not see him
then we went to find teacher
after that
went to lot 1
ate pizza hut
then bought stuff from popular
then went to ITE..
on the way there..
many stuff happen
and i blame you, CHOO JUANQING
a lot!
after that went home luhh..
fun and tiring day..
watching summer's desire ! ep 10 le! :D
♥ our lips must always be sealed
7:08 PM

Thursday, September 2, 2010

see! my darling little girlfriend :D
today was fun
and tiring
went to ECP to collect rubbish
someone made me super happy happy! (:
i love today
cause its like damn fun loh
rubbish collecting become slacking
then teacher very angry
made us go back to school...
cause we never collect rubbish
we were all sitting on the rock and slacking...
iloveyou! :D

♥ our lips must always be sealed
9:12 PM