Sunday, December 26, 2010

my life, had never been easy
just when i finally had the courage
to tell you all those
i cant believe my own eyes.
what i said
what you said.
i just cant believe you think that
having one is just tying you down
when different people, different situations.
i am someone
who just needs you to care for me
love me,
for me to be able to run to when i need help
bad experiences
i learnt from them
i dont need you to always go out with me
just when we both are free
we will go out
i dont need you to report to me where you are
i just need to feel cared for, loved for,
just need to feel that, i am worth something in your eyes.
just need to feel that you have your trust on me and i have yours.
i just want to feel secure.
thats all i want, is that even so hard to ask for?
♥ our lips must always be sealed
12:33 AM

Saturday, December 11, 2010

why is it always like this?
i cared about you
thats why i said all those
to make you stop falling deeper for her
you did
you yourself said it was awkward de...
and there you are,
loving her
thats what you claim,
you claim you would love her for long ehh?
time will prove it
lets see about that
this is what you truly want is it?
for us to quarrel till like this
till there is nothing that can salvage it?
i really dont understand
i cared for you
and this is what i get in return
is caring a crime?
said all those just to make you not think of her
said all those just for you to know its impossible between you and her
and i got back fired...
tricia (:
♥ our lips must always be sealed
12:20 AM

Saturday, December 4, 2010

haish, my blog is dead! :D
holidays are a bore!
have been doing homework
and now, watching my 7th drama!
gonna watch the 8th one soon...
time flies...
i really hope i will be able to do well next year...
Lord, give me the strength and the wisdom..
hahaha, today went to school early in the morning,
went to meet yihui uhh...
then when we walked out of the toilet
the teacher wanted the in charge
then i bo bian, be in charge -.-
10 breads for 22 cadets
nice uhh
then was slacking slacking until lunch time
super hungry
ate laughed chatted
after that went back to the room
sat down, chatted with amalina and sara
talked about a lot of stuff
laughed until i stomachache..
after some time
we went to sort books
fun fun uhh
but tiring...
had dinner!
went to lot after that
laughters again.. (:
had fun today
tiring day too...
not going to cca tomorrow
going to church :D
i wanna eat seaweed!
LIM TIANNING! lets go buy milk tea!
now, im waiting for my baobei to come home uhh
she is coming back at midnight...
cant wait! (:
miss her like siao...
finally, she is back! :>
tricia :>
♥ our lips must always be sealed
10:52 PM